What Your Grandma Knows

photo courtesy of: www.seniormag.com/.../images/chicken-soup.jpg
I have undertaken a passion project for you folks and for myself! While I've always been keenly aware of grandma's recipes or even a mom's wise food words, I have only really begun to chronicle them in the last few years. Yesterday, I sent out a mass email to all my friends and family around the world asking for them to send in their home remedies passed on from family members, I've gotten some very interesting responses so far and am going to wait for more before I post about it here. I won't be able to put them all up but I will put up a nice selection. If any of you reading this have one to share, please send it on to me via email (thespicedoc@gmail.com) or by commenting here. I will acknowledge you as the author of said recipe when I post it, unless you wish to remain anonymous. Of course, the most common folk remedy is chicken soup, which has consequently been officially 'scientifically' studied and they have found that the amino acid, carnosine, plays a role in why chicken soup is so good for you the world over! There are many variations on this as you can see below in the Wiki link on chicken soup. Stay tuned for the folk remedies posting in a few weeks!
Here is Wikipedia's breakdown on chicken soup and all the variations of it in the world:
Here is an article in the Science Daily on chicken soup:
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