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Crazy About Carrots

on Wed, 08/04/2010 - 20:30

Carrots are a surprising vegetable. How surprising can they really be you might wonder when we have all heard how carrots are good for your eyesight and many of us have that image of a cartoon bunny chomping away on a carrot just like popeye slurped

Food Noise : the Diet Post

on Wed, 08/18/2010 - 17:30

Food noise. It's everywhere. Every which way you turn, there's another diet, myth, "fact", or antioxidant savior. The Atkins Diet, the Paleo Diet, the Blood Diet, the South Beach Diet, Skinny Bitch, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, no carbs, no sugar, no

Guest Post : Insomnia and Molasses

on Fri, 08/20/2010 - 17:30

Jeremy Cornish is an Acupuncturist and Ju Jutsu teacher located in Naperville, IL. He is currently involved in multiple projects including an acupuncture stress study, "Acupuncture Happy Hour" on-site in offices, and Executive Ju Jutsu, which is an executive coaching/team building experience. Keep up with him at

The Sandwich Alternative : Fresh Vietnamese Spring Rolls

on Mon, 08/30/2010 - 20:30

If you, like myself, are craving a sandwich-like meal without the added starchiness of the bread, then the Vietnamese fresh spring roll is here to make your day that much better as you take a chewy and pliant bite of sweet shrimp (or tender meat) along