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If You Get Stuffed Too

on Tue, 11/24/2009 - 17:30

Thanksgiving is going to swoosh in (at least for those of us here in the U.S.) and knock all our bellies out. Just a quick note, this posting will be relevant to anyone about to indulge in a culinary feast: it could be post Ramadan, post Lent, post any fasting-then-indulging moments. Not that Thanksgiving involves any preemptive fasting, it is mainly just indulging and yes..being thankful (that your belly doesn't implode!). I pondered what I could recommend for Thanksgiving besides try-not-to-eat-too-much, and I thought that medicinally speaking the key around this time is to treat indigestion and overindulgence for the most part. Well, luckily for all of us there are many traditions around the world that have already come up with some wonderful remedies.